Protecting and Promoting Your Interests

Reminder – MSHA Training Required in Rail Yards

As a reminder to those companies that utilize rail spurs in their aggregate facilities, employees working in the rail yards must be Part 46 trained.  MAA was recently informed that a serious near fatal accident occurred at a mine in a neighboring state.  A mine employee was working on or around moving rail cars when he received injuries involving both of his legs after being run over by a moving railcar.

At mines where rail cars are moved or loaded, please consider the following:
  1. Discourage the practice of riding moving rail cars by establishing company policies using safer alternative methods.
  2. Reevaluate the Mines procedures where rail cars are used on mine properties.
  3. Place this in the Mines Part 46 Training Plan Task Training list and train employees in practices and procedures involving communicating, moving, spotting, loading rail cars.