Michigan Aggregates Association Members
Cick on the Member Name to visit their website
If you are a current member looking for a listing, please contact the MAA office @ 517-381-1732
Angelo Iafrate Construction Company
C2 Crushing
Detroit Bulk Storage, Inc.
F. G. Cheney Limestone Co., Inc.
Fyke Sand & Gravel (A & E Agg)
Halliday Sand & Gravel Inc.
Jeremy's Sand & Gravel
Klett Recycle Inc.
Leavitt & Starck Excavating, Inc.
MacKenzie Recycling Corporation
Michigan Reagg Inc.
R. E. Glancy, Inc.
Valley View/Great Lakes Mineral Works
Wirt Stone Dock
AIS Construction Equipment Corp.
Chicago Chain & Transmission Co, Inc.
Civil & Environmental Consultants, Inc.
Classification & Flotation Systems, Inc.
Consumers Concrete Corporation
Conveyall Industrial Supply, Inc.
Environmental Consulting & Technology, Inc.
Equipment Corporation of America
Hipoint Aggregate Equipment, LLC
Marshall E Campbell Company Inc.
Maverick Environmental Equipment LLC
MHK Truck & Equipment Sales, Inc.
Natural Resources Management, LLC