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MDOT Projects Future Aggregate Usage

To help identify future anticipated aggregate demand for upcoming projects, MDOT has recently incorporated various aggregate data into their “2021 Quantity Report”. 

However, due to difficulty in determining the actual amount of total material used to construct our roads and bridges (i.e. sign bases and foundations, concrete culverts, precast bridge beams, etc.), the estimated quantities may not be completely accurate but it should help establish a good starting point for tracking trends. 

The quantity report lists anticipated aggregate amounts for pay items with various units of payment (tons, syds, cyds).  While it is very difficult to convert syds to tons (as the thickness of the pay unit is defined in the plans) it does allow for tracking of these items over time. 

Please note that aggregate usage for HMA and Concrete are not provided.  Therefore, these estimated quantities will need to be done using the conversion factors as has been done in the past.

To view the projected aggregate quantity report you can visit one of the following links:

To view the 2021 MDOT Quantity Report, click here

For future reports visit the MDOT Bid Letting page to find the quantity report located under the “Anticipated Projects” heading.  Click here to be directed to the MDOT Bid Letting page.