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Executive Director, Doug Needham Testifies In Support of HB 4526, HB 4527, and HB 4528

On Tuesday, MAA Executive Director Doug Needham testified in support of HB 4526, HB 4527, and HB 4528 in the Michigan House of Representatives Regulatory Reform Committee.
This vital legislation would give oversight of the aggregates permitting process to the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE). This legislation will help fix Michigan’s broken road building supply chain, stretch our infrastructure dollars further, and support our trades workforce. The legislation will also help protect our environment with CO2 reductions and land reclamation requirements.
"We're in need of these bills because Michigan's crumbling infrastructure and strong economy is driving up demand for a limited amount of permitted aggregate," said Needham.
MAA Member Matt Double of USA Earthworks also testified in support of the legislation, sharing his difficult experiences with local municipalities in the permitting process.
The bipartisan bill package was introduced earlier this month by House Appropriations Chair State Representative Angela Witwer(D-Delta Township), Regulatory Reform Committee Chair State Representative Tyrone Carter (D-Detroit) and Transportation, Mobility, and Infrastructure Committee Vice-Chair State Representative Pat Outman (R-Six Lakes).