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MAA Yearlong Sponsor Spotlight - Conviber

Conviber, Inc is a family owned and operated distributor for conveyor belting and components.  We just celebrated our 47th anniversary on January 7th and we’re on the 3rd generation in our family business.  Conviber has the largest inventory of Conveyor Belting, Idlers, Pulleys, Flexco, Power Transmission and all other conveyor related accessories through our 6 Stocking Warehouses in the Northeast and Great Lakes US.  Conviber can also install and vulcanize or clip your belting through our CFS division.  Our local stocking warehouse is located in Dexter, just outside of Ann Arbor (we’re also in OH, PA & NY).  We’re proud to be a member of the MAA and support all the Michigan Producers in the association.  Thank you for the opportunity to serve you.