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2024 AASHTO re:source Aggregate Gradation and Gravity Proficiency Sample Program

As a reminder, aggregate producers/suppliers that plan to remain on the MDOT prequalified aggregate supplier list must adhere to the updated requirements of Section 4.03.03 of the MDOT Materials Quality Assurance Procedures Manual (MQAP)

Part of the requirements of this updated section requires suppliers to participate in the aggregate gradation portion of the “Aggregate Gradation and Gravity” and other program that may pertain to your lab (e.g., LA Abrasion, fine aggregate angularity, etc.).

The 2024 Aggregate Gradation and Gravity Proficiency Samples 3(A) and 4(B) are currently being processed and packaged for shipping. Please take note of the following dates and deadlines associated with these samples:

Shipping Date: July 25th, 2024

Immediately after the shipping date, please log in to the AASHTO re:source website to track your packages. From the “My Lab” page, click “Packages” in the left-hand column of the page.

Be aware that the sample boxes may not arrive in the correct order or on the same day. You may receive Sample 4 (B) before Sample 3 (A) and they may arrive a few days apart.

Upon receipt of the samples, please open the boxes and ensure that all contents are included. If the samples are seriously damaged or missing a component, please notify AASHTO immediately and they will send replacements.

The sample boxes are labeled samples 3 (A) and 4 (B). The bags inside the boxes are labeled only (A) or (B). The bags labeled (A) are sample 3. The bags labeled (B) are sample 4.

Datasheets, instructions, and SDSs will be available for this sample on AASHSTO’s website beginning on July 25, 2024 click here.

To view a video and description of the samples you will receive click here (please note this video was produced for the 2023 sample shipment):

Unboxing AASHTO re:source Proficiency Sample: Aggregate Gradation & Gravity - AGG 3-4 - YouTube Non-Receipt Date: August 3rd, 2023

If you have not received the samples by the non-receipt date or if the samples are seriously damaged, or missing a component please notify us immediately and we will send replacements.

Closing Date: September 19, 2024

We encourage you to submit your results online, as soon as possible. This enables you to receive instant confirmation of data submitted and revise data if needed. Test results received after the closing date will not be included in the final report.

Final Report Date: October 3, 2024

AASHTO re:source will provide a final report approximately two weeks after the closing date. Individual laboratory reports will be provided by logging on the AASHTO re:source website. Laboratories will be notified by email when the final report becomes available.

Of course, confidentiality of individual laboratory results will be maintained. However, general information regarding the round of testing, such as statistical summary tables and Youden scatter diagrams associated with the analysis of data, will be provided to the public on AASHTO re:source’ s website.

Testing Note

For each test performed please report the result of a single determination only, not the average of two or more, except in cases where an average is called for in the method or specification. The program is designed to obtain two independent test results, one for each numbered sample, for each test method that the laboratory chooses to perform.

To permit an estimate of single-operator precision, the same operator should conduct an individual test on both samples. It is not necessary that the same person conduct all of the tests.

Treat each sample as you would treat a typical “testing” sample. Any special handling or preparation needs will be included below or within the Sample Instructions Document.

Special Instructions/New Test Methods

SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: PLEASE USE THE MIXTURE OF COARSE AND FINE AGGREGATES SAMPLES IN THE PLASTIC BAG (Dry Mass is approx. 2950-3000 g) FOR T11/C117, T27/C136 and T85/C127. Retain the plus 4.75 mm (No. 4) material for T85/C127.

PLEASE USE THE FINE AGGREGATE SAMPLES in MOIST CONDITION (approx. 2.5 kg) FOR T84/C128, T176/D2419, and T304/C1252. Retain the used material from T84/C128 and any unused material from T176/D2419 for use with T304/C1252.

Specific Gravity (Relative Density) and Absorption of Fine Aggregate, AASHTO T84-22 or ASTM C128-22: Wash and dry the material in accordance with AASHTO T11/ASTM C117 to remove the material passing the 75-µm (No. 200). Upon the washing and drying, soak in water and determine the bulk specific gravity, the bulk specific gravity (SSD) and the apparent specific gravity [or relative density (OD), relative density (SSD), and apparent relative density for C128] in accordance with the test method. Report these to the nearest 0.001 units. Determine the absorption and report it to the nearest 0.01 percent. RETAIN THIS MATERIAL TO USE FOR T304/C1572 TESTING.

No new test methods are associated with this sample.

A complete sample schedule is available online:

Please contact AASHTO re:source at or call 240-436-4900 if there are questions.