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Aggregate Industry Best Management Practices for Water Conservation

In 2006, Public Act 35 (PA 35) was enacted, requiring each water-use sector to develop voluntary guidelines for generally accepted water management practices or environmentally sound, economically feasible water conservation measures. The Act empowered statewide professional or trade associations representing each sector to create and adopt these guidelines.

In response, the MAA Environmental Committee developed, evaluated, and documented Generally Accepted Management Practices (GAMPs) for water conservation at aggregate facilities. These practices, guided by cost-benefit considerations, were designed to help reduce water withdrawal and consumption compared to baseline levels without conservation measures.
Following a recent review by the MAA Environmental Committee, the original GAMPs established in 2006 remain valid and relevant for today's operations. We encourage all industry members to implement these Best Management Practices (BMPs) whenever feasible to promote responsible water use.
Click here to view the Aggregate Industry BMP for Water Conservation.